citizens' rights



The "CHILE FIGUEROA PETITION" asks to the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) justice for DANIEL FIGUEROA DE LA FUENTE, who was kidnapped on December 2002 and later tortured and turn into pieces by sicarios of the government of Ricardo Lagos Escobar, then President of Chile.

On April 2003, nineteen Daniel’s bones appeared close to part of the still well kept clothes that he was wearing when he disappeared, his identification documents and his personal key ring.

A few days later, a well known Chilean newspaper delivered hundreds of documents that Daniel Figueroa left to them with the instruction to make them public in case he might be murdered. These documents (The "Figueroa Papers") allowed Chilean justice to condemn on corruption grounds several Lagos’ ministers and high officials. Ricardo Lagos himself was not jailed thanks to an illegal sentence he got from a Santiago’s High Court.

Weeks after Daniel’s bones were found, Ricardo Lagos, Pablo Longueira, currently a minister in the government of Chile, and José Miguel Insulza, currently the General Secretary of the Organization of American States, orchestrated a gang, that probably includes members of both the Congress and the High Courts as well as the owners of important Chilean press and TV corporations.

The initial purpose of this gang was to cover up the crimes of those who masterminded and executed Daniel Figueroa’s kidnapping, torturing and slaughtering. But this gave birth to an endless set of misdeeds and complicities that has grown so profound and wide spread that it strongly impairs Chilean Democracy, it has granted impunity to many additional crimes and it allows its members to develop a large number of illegal businesses.

"CHILE FIGUEROA PETITION" has been given the number P-1849-11 between the Human Rights violations that are under the scrutiny of the IACHR.

This Petition asks the IACHR and the Chilean government to develop the investigation, clarify this crime, and punish the perpetrators, the masterminds and those who covered up the crime.

Justice for Daniel Figueroa
Evidences of the assasination of Daniel Figueroa
Evidences of the Cover Up of the assasination of Daniel Figueroa

December 2012