Dear Doctor

I write you in an effort to get my findings on Non Obstructive Sleep Apnea (NOSA) be known and thus become useful to millions of NOSA patients.
I have no commercial interest in this subject.
If you kindly take a few minutes to read this mail either you will lose a very little part of your life or you will become able to help millions of individuals that suffer NOSA, an illness that supposedly derives from a “central” or neurological unknown disease.
These misdiagnosed patients are condemned to use CPAP, an impairing aggressive useless device sold as the sole solution to their problem, so your help would be a life saver for millions.
My findings on NOSA are supported by several proven facts. One of these was awarded the Nobel Prize on 2007: the protein called “Na-K pump”.
I contend NOSA is just a consequence of low sodium in blood.
Under this condition, both nerves and muscles do not work properly: they lose their ability to detect and emitting signals, to store energy and even to properly get the nutrients they need.
In order to breath, muscles responsible of inhaling must work harder than their counterparts, since it is easier to exhale than to inhale. There is the need of a larger work to expand the lungs than to contract them.
When there is low sodium in blood, every muscle is under a diminished condition, and since they must do a harder job than their counterparts, muscles responsible of expanding thorax and abdomen in order to deliver an inhalation, gradually lose the battle. While asleep, patient breathes in a progressive slighter way until the lack of oxygen impels him to wake up to get in charge of his own hard condition.

Here is a short view of several demonstrations of my theory:

Demo 1: Reaction to salt intake
When a group of patients who each night suffer several Sleep Apnea crisis are given enough common salt, the Apnea bursts disappear in each and all of them, almost no exceptions, to such an extent that they will start experiencing at most one or two apneas a month and some of them will even do not suffer Apneas for many months.
Conversely, if those patients who have recovered from Sleep Apnea by means of eating enough salt are now submitted to a low sodium diet, very soon (in most cases the very same day in which they start the diet) they will suffer several Sleep Apneas bursts every night.
This demonstration is so easy to test, so risk free and so important for so many patients worldwide that I humbly ask you please to submit a group of your patients to it.

Demo 2: Not enough Sodium in blood means that “NA-K pump”, a protein that is part of the membrane of each muscular and neural cell, will not work properly: muscles do not detect neural signals and they lose efficacy as a result of a lack of nutrients and because their energy storing capacity is reduced as much as fifty per cent. The capability of nerves to emit, transmit and detect signals is impaired. All this has been demonstrated by 2007 Nobel Prize Mr. Jens Skou.
Patient does not confront a Central deficiency or a failure which is located somewhere in his vegetative or autonomous system. He confronts a subtle but general failure that affects all his neural and muscular cells. He is under a scenario where his nerves, the tools he has to detect, transmit and communicate are diminished, are weakened. Additionally, the capability of his muscles to detect the orders they receive is impaired, not to mention the fact that once they finally get the order they will barely find themselves in proper condition to respond to it.
No wonder then that a sophisticated and delicate process of so subtle equilibrium as breathe will stop operating autonomously when sodium diminishes across the organism.
And additionally the complex system of alarms that would allow the central nervous system to react will do it late and poorly to such an extreme that individual that suffers of a sodium deficiency must wake up in order to voluntarily take the measures needed to avoid dying by asphyxia.

Demo 3: Sleep Apnea show several “time related” features. All of them point to a progressive shortage of some chemical. Neither of them point towards a neurological or central failure, since the latter type of failure is not time related: it will hit randomly in terms of time.
May be the only time related feature is neurological system works better after patient has rested and it is prone to fail when patient is exhausted.
Sleep apnea works right the opposite way: the longer patient sleeps, the harder and more frequent NOSA hits.
Other NOSA time related features:
a. most patients first Apneas become apparent at dawn: after several hours of sleep.
b. patients of mild NOSA will sleep during one to three hours before they start suffering NOSA bursts

Demo 4: There is a high positive correlation between Sleep Apnea and aging: both of them grow simultaneously. The higher the age of a group of individuals, a higher percentage of them suffer Sleep Apnea.
Most NOSA patients are 35 and older. It is at this age that muscular deterioration starts becoming evident unless there is a proper taking care of it.

Demo 5: Medicine accepts Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is a consequence of a slight lack of sodium in blood and that Stupor is a consequence of an acute chronic lack of sodium in blood.
If a lack of sodium in blood can seriously affect a complete set of strong and large muscles as those of legs, why won’t it be capable of impairing the functioning of a large set of muscles that must delicately work to deliver autonomous breathing?
If an acute chronic lack of sodium in blood brings stupor to elder to such an extent that they can hardly react to external stimuli, we will better think that a mild chronic shortage of sodium in blood might interfere with autonomous breathing, a process that has to do with the capability to react to subtle stimuli.
On the other hand, it is not that elders suddenly reach a stupor condition after years of low sodium in blood. Obviously they enter into a process of showing several progressive symptoms, one of which is their increasing difficulty to react to external stimuli. They additionally experience autonomous breathing hardships that precisely are a result of chronic low sodium in blood and that contribute to accelerate their general deterioration.

Those are the pillars of my findings.

I invite you to indulge in a simple research whose results would be of great help to Sleep Apnea patients.

I suffer a light Kidney insufficiency and during more than ten years I suffered from Non Obstructive Apnea (NOSA), an illness which supposedly has no cure. Fact is that I have entirely recovered from NOSA to the extent that now I usually go through several months sleeping normally after years suffering several asphyxias every single night.

NOSA is also called Central Apnea because the dominant theory is that NOSA is a consequence of an unknown failure that affects the Central Nervous System. This theory, besides being false and psychologically devastating for the patient, is widely used to justify the need of connecting the patient every night to a CPAP.

Several facts made me doubt that I might be suffering a Central Nervous System illness that might be impeding my autonomous breathing. So I spent years studying and keeping records of my apnea bursts and their circumstances until I arrived to a couple of conclusions that allowed me to entirely recover fromm Sleep Apnea, an illness that officially has no cure.

The first of those conclusion is that what causes NOSA is a shortage of sodium in blood. So, as well as Restless Leg Syndrome and Stupor, Non Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a symptom of not having as much sodium in blood as needed.

I ask you to help to demonstrate and to make it widely known that individuals who suffer from Non Obstructive Sleep Apnea:
a. they do not suffer from a Central Nervous System disease
b. they do not need to connect themselves to a CPAP that will make their life almost unbearable and that in a very short time will put them in the hands of a quite more aggressive and incurable disease: Obstructive Sleep Apnea
c. that in order to entirely cure from NOSA all the patient needs to do is to have his sodium intake under control: to eat enough sodium so he can sleep perfectly and not to eat too much sodium, which might be risky for his health.

There is a very simple way of demonstrating those three facts working with a group of Sleep Apnea Patients:
a. During three to five days you administer them a diet which is normal in sodium or you at least a little amount of common salt just before they go to sleep and the day after you make a record on whether that night each of them suffered Sleep Apnea or not.
b. Immediately after that period of eating enough salt, you put those patients under a no sodium diet during a week and you register how they start developing NOSA once again.

I have done this practical study both with a few Polycystic Kidney (Salt Consuming Disease) patients and with myself. Output was that there is a high positive correlation between NOSA and a low level of Sodium in Blood (Hyponatremia).

Please make this research with a group of your patients so you, as a medicine doctor, might publish your findings and conclusions in magazines and might give lectures on how to put and end to this illness that supposedly has no cure.

This easy research would allow you to make a great contribution both to NOSA patients and to all our society, since Sleep Apnea has strong individual and social consequences.

In case you go ahead with this study, kindly let me know its results so they can be included at R.F. Kloss Foundation web site (, a place that since already more than a year has been giving free information and help to Sleep Apnea patients.

The second fact I observed, which might as well be demonstrated through an experimental study, is that a strong reduction in animal proteins intake allows patient to keep a good sodium in blood level without the need of eating much salt or sodium. I just do not know why this happens, but the fact is most individuals can get rid from their Non Obstructive Sleep Apnea just by drastically reducing their animal proteins intake and keeping a very light sodium consumption.

Hoping that you will soon become an apostle in this crusade.

Best regards

Darío Varela, writer.