APNEA. Immediate cure for an illness with "no cure"
book, was written by Darío
Varela, a writer and historian who suffered Non Obstructive
Sleep Apnea during more than ten years.
Dario overcame his Sleep Apnea, he decided to write a book
to let everybody know how to get rid of this terrible condition
about which both doctors and interested CPAP manufacturers
have invented so many myths,
is that when you do not have enough sodium in blood you risk
suffering Sleep Apnea and some other diseases.
has been demonstrated that NOSA dissapears when patients are
allowed to have the sodium that they need, and that NOSA recurs
as soon as they go back to a diet with not enough sodium.
It is not that you must start eating as much salt and soy
sauce as you may want. It is that you must take care of not
having a deficit of sodium in blood.
are concerned about not having too much sugar in blood. But
they know that having a low level of sugar in blood is even
worse and quite more dangerous
as they do, you must be careful about not having both too
much or too few sodium in blood.
you spontaneously stop breathing while you sleep. then you
suffer of low sodium in blood (Hiponatremia) and the only
thing you need to do to start sleeping well is to include some
more sodium in your diet.
We know that too much salt might increase your blood pressure,
so it is necessary to be carefull not to eat more salt than
what you need.
has been additionally noticed that a strong reduction in your
intake of animal proteins will allow you to reduce your salt
needs. This means that probably a few days after you start
eating very few animal proteins your Sleep Apnea will dessappear
and you will not need to adjust the salt in your diet.
2. Forms of Sleep Apnea
3. Non Obstructive Sleep Apnea (NOSA) causes
4. Sleep Apnea symptoms
5. Handling Sleep Apnea Episodes
6. Preventing Sleep Apnea
7. A public health issue
8. CPAP, a criminal scam
9. Get rid of your CPAP
10. Salt handling. How to eat salt and how to avoid needing
too much salt
11. Breathing
12. Nasal airways
13. Bloating
14. Polichistic kidney and Sleep Apnea
15. Sleep Apnea and sports
16. Medical Mistakes
17. Market discapacity
18. Sodium in blood and other markets
19. Sodium Potassium Pump
20. Class action
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